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June 2020

First responders provide rescue support during the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

Beyond silos: Defining information silos for public safety

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The storage of information across distinct information silos, also known as data silos, has resulted in barriers to data-sharing and collaboration between public safety agencies. Breaking down these barriers is key to bringing situational intelligence to public safety.

A person sits alone at home, overlooking nearby buildings. Social distancing can be incredibly isolating, and contribute to mental health concerns associated with major disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental health resources for COVID-19

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In addition to the immediate harm that the virus poses to public health, experts have directed attention to the mental health effects brought about by the pandemic. We’ve collected some tips and resources for preserving your well being throughout the pandemic.

A crew member monitors a controlled burn.

Develop your situational awareness with these 3 fire safety tools

Fire season officially started in May for most of the United States, and current seasonal outlooks predict a substantial risk of large fires across much of the country. In preparation for the summer, here are three publicly available, free resources to help you improve your situational awareness for wildfire season.