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A person sits alone at home, overlooking nearby buildings. Social distancing can be incredibly isolating, and contribute to mental health concerns associated with major disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental health resources for COVID-19

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In addition to the immediate harm that the virus poses to public health, experts have directed attention to the mental health effects brought about by the pandemic. We’ve collected some tips and resources for preserving your well being throughout the pandemic.

Dan Munsey, shown here, became Fire Chief for San Bernardino County Fire in 2019.

Preparedness profile: Q&A with Fire Chief Dan Munsey

As public safety agencies adapt to the new normal of pandemic preparedness, we look to industry experts for insight into the future of situational intelligence for public safety. Fire Chief Dan Munsey has been instrumental in bringing new technologies to San Bernardino public safety teams, making the county an important innovator for incident response tools.

A public safety worker puts on personal protective equipment, or PPE. PPE has been in short supply due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 ways first responders are flattening the curve

According to the International Association of Fire Chiefs, as of May 3 over 13,000 first responders have been exposed to the coronavirus and over 12,000 have been quarantined as a result. Many departments are exploring new tools to get the most out of their limited resources while maintaining social distancing.